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13 Oct

Petting Zoo!


8 Oct

Fun times at the State Fair 🙂


15 Apr

Since the notsotinyanymore baby is officially crawling and on the move.. the serious baby proofing has begun!

We had to start with the baby gates.
He isn’t the biggest fan of this gate. This one separates the living room from the hallway. The hallway leads to his room, brothers room, bathroom, laundry room & our room. Any time any of us walk down this hallway, he immediately makes his way in that direction and pulls up and waits. Recently, he has started crying when I leave the room. So sweet. But it will be super difficult if he cries when I have to go to work. Being a working mom seriously sucks sometimes.

This kid is playing basketball! It is amazing how far he has come from his first season of soccer. He was 4 and would cry whenever the ball didn’t work right/he wasn’t the fastest/someone else made a goal/practice started/practice ended. Now, this kid gets hit in the face with a basketball, hard, and he just wrinkles his nose and keeps going. Today he smashed his head on the bleachers. Barely phased him. My husband likes to take all the credit for making him so tough. It’s true. If I got hit in the face with a basketball I would probably cry.